In an opinion article published by CNN, U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington and immigrant rights organizer Deepak Bhargava express their argument that it’s time for the Title 42 border policy to end. Summary provided by McEntee Law Group.
Jayapal and Bhargava recognize the major benefits that America has gained from the immigrant community. America succeeds more when embracing immigrants, write Jayapal and Bhargava. It’s important we remember this before criticizing the decision to end Title 42.
Jayapal and Bhargava label Title 42 as ‘a xenophobic policy masquerading as a public health measure.’
The policy has prevented thousands of immigrants from seeking asylum since 2020. It has also been widely criticized by disease specialists and public health experts.
The policy is set to end on May 23rd. However, many states and Congress members have criticized this decision and fought to keep the policy in place. Jayapal and Bhargava argue that many who criticize the policy don’t fully understand it. They then provide additional context- the Trump administration used Title 42 as one of many ways to close pathways for immigration.
Further, Jayapal and Bhargava argue that despite immigration being a divisive issue, that most Americans believe immigration is a positive thing for the country.
They conclude the piece by pleading Democrats to stop ‘running away from immigration,’ and to remember the real people behind the issue.
Democrats have a unique opportunity to finally deliver on immigration reform. The stakes couldn’t be higher…standing behind immigrants, their families and their friends isn’t just the right and moral thing to do – it is at the very foundation of who we are as a country.